Close Quarters Fighting Ranked #1 Digital Training
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“This is a fantastic video and a practical approach to bridging the gap between H2H [hand to hand] and weapons use.”
– Nathan L.
About the DVD from Ryan Hoover
This digital training video covers topics and techniques that I’ve been hesitant to release in the past. This course actually served as our first release of them. My concern was always that weapon use and retention training could fall into the wrong hands and do more harm than good. Ultimately, I’ve come to realize that may very well be the antithesis of the current environment. This type of training is desperately needed and it tends to be under valued, over generalized, and, worst of all, scarce. So here is Fit to Fight®’s offering.
This close range, preemptive, clinch fighting training is about being able to fight to get to your weapon and fight to retain your weapon. Being in close is where fights happen. People are going to get close to you and the amount of time it takes to cover 6-10 feet is nothing.
CCW holders, citizen defenders, anyone who carries concealed or even open carries for work can benefit from these skills. This is about having the ability to fight to get to your weapon, use it, and keep it. For Law Enforcement Officers who open carry, the principles here maintain.
Because this video is detailed and goes through a learning progression, it is also good reference material for instructors looking to develop or add to their existing clinch fighting and/or weapon retention programs.
If you feel like this applies to you, use the link below to get started and check out the free preview.
Learnopoly reviews online courses from various learning platforms to evaluate what they offer and help you, the user, find the best and most applicable courses.
Recently, we were notified by Learnopoly that we had two courses ranked #1 in the martial arts online training category. The Close Quarters Fighting Digital DVD was selected as the best Krav Maga training option.
Here’s a summary from the article author: “A fantastic DVD for those looking for a martial arts course with a strictly self-defense focus. Hoover is a legend in the industry and shows off his full expertise here, giving a complete instruction on how to survive a hostile encounter on the streets, whatever happens.”
There’s a link to the full article below along with a link to check out the digital training.