Telor Tactical – SAM Tourniquet – Shot Show 2022
Initially, Ryan and I sought out Telor tactical for their tourniquet - the SAM. Many of our Fit to Fight® programs include a trauma care portion that emphasizes basic skills to keep blood in the body. We’ve connected with organizations such as Dark Angel Tactical, First Care Provider, and Stop The Bleed, to continue to enhance our own skills and deliver the most up-to-date information. The tourniquets we have for our courses include the SWAT-T, SOF-T, CAT, and RATS. So we were interested in seeing another product and were surprised by
Part 3: Fit to Fight® Krav Maga
So, we recently looked at the almost meme-like existence that Krav Maga, as a system and as a term, has, through intention or derision, developed into over the years. Without delving into the history of the system, there are much more qualified people for that, let’s discuss what we believe Krav Maga should mean and should encompass, in order to live up to the hype and eliminate the negative connotations that have plagued it for so long.
Part 1: Fit to Fight® Krav Maga
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