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Should I Carry A Knife For Self-Defense?

3 Questions To Ask Before Carrying A Knife For Self-Defense
should you carry a knife for self-defense

Should I Carry A Knife For Self-Defense?

There are specific considerations to make before choosing to carry a knife for self-defense. It is not the right choice for everyone, but if done correctly, carrying a knife can be a great choice as a personal protection tool. Here are 3 steps to help guide you:

  1. 1. Are you willing to use it?

    Making the choice to carry a weapon is useless if you haven’t made the choice to use it if needed. Especially in the case of a blade, using a weapon can be gruesome. To use a knife, you must be willing to stab through skin, muscle, tissue, tendon, and even bone. You must be willing to get bloody. It’s important to come to terms with what you are willing to do to protect yourself. Otherwise, you risk arming the other person.

  2. 2. Will you actually carry it?

    If you are willing to use the knife to protect yourself the next step is to be honest about your likelihood of carrying it. If you carry a tool for self-defense, you should know where it is and how to access it at all times. Carrying it occasionally, tossing it in the bottom of a bag, or leaving it in your car are not acceptable carry options.

  3. 3. Will you practice using and accessing it?

    Alright, you’re willing to use it and carry it in an effective manor. The next question is whether you will put in the work to practice with it. Again, you need to be able to access it in a fight and retain it so you don’t end up arming the other person. This may require purchasing a training version of the blade, watching instructionals, and setting aside time each week to check your gear and train through options for use.

About the Author

Amber Hoover is a lead coach for Fit to Fight®. She has extensive training in Krav Maga, Kickboxing, Jiu-Jitsu and other fighting arts. Amber is a 2nd Degree Fit to Fight® Krav Maga black belt, and the founder of College Bound Self-Defense.