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Mixed Modern Combatives

Close Quarters fighting digital dvd "This is a fantastic video and a practical approach to bridging the gap between H2H [hand to hand] and weapons use." - Nathan L.   About the DVD from Ryan Hoover This digital training video covers topics and techniques that I've been hesitant to release in the past. This course actually served as our first release of them. My concern was always that weapon use and retention training could fall into the wrong hands and do more harm than good. Ultimately, I've come to realize that may very well be

Learnopoly is a team of knowledgable online course reviewers who aim to help users make informed decisions among the breadth of options available. In the Martial Arts category for 2021, Fit to Fight® is proud to have clinched the best overall online class as well as the best Krav Maga online class: https://learnopoly.com/best-online-martial-arts-classes/ "Whilst all the courses we reviewed were excellent at teaching their specific art, Hard Ready 6 gives good instruction in multiple disciplines, covering boxing, wrestling, groundwork, and more. Plus, Hard Ready 6 features not just one, but 9 world-class coaches

So, we recently looked at the almost meme-like existence that Krav Maga, as a system and as a term, has, through intention or derision, developed into over the years. Without delving into the history of the system, there are much more qualified people for that, let’s discuss what we believe Krav Maga should mean and should encompass, in order to live up to the hype and eliminate the negative connotations that have plagued it for so long.

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