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Enhanced Survivability Weapons Defense DVD

Original price was: $26.99.Current price is: $9.99.

In this DVD, Fit to Fight® co-founder, Ryan Hoover, and the Fit to Fight® team take us inside the “lab” and expose us to the latest principles and concepts in this constantly evolving system:

  • Warm up drills functional for fighting
  • Basic personal weapon (combative) training
  • Principles and concepts for dealing with attacks and/or threats involving:
    • handgun
    • edged-weapon
    • long gun
    • blunt object
  • Technique options for dealing with such attacks and threats
  • Introduction to stress-inducing drills to further enhance survivability in the event of a violent encounter

While this DVD demonstrates a wide range of techniques, principals and training options, the ultimate goal is to introduce the viewer to the Fit to Fight® “way” of training.  The DVD is meant to be a training resource but not replace hands on training.

NOTE:  At 2+ hours run time, the entire DVD (except for the intro) was shot in a single take.  Our goal is to demonstrate that fighting will never be “this then that” or “all you have to do is” or “this foot should be at that angle”.

SKU: ftf-eswd-dvd Category: